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Following “Party rules” are translation of Polish “Regulamin” available at Polish literal wording takes precedence before English translation.

1. Definitions

Party rules: this document discusses issues related to your participation in the Xenium Party taking place at Basecamp Rembielińskiego in Łódź on the date given on the website

Event: Xenium Party is a non-mass closed event, admission to which is possible after prior registration, payment of a donation for the statutory purposes of the organizer and receipt of an entry ticket.

Organizer: Stowarzyszenie popularyzacji kultury i sztuki cyfrowej „Xenium” (The Association for the Popularization of Digital Culture and Art “Xenium”), registered in Polish Ministry of Justice, KRS 0001034534

Mirek: Event security services taking care of our common safety.

Infodesk: Event information services (not to be confused with the Basecamp reception).

Event Area: a designated space on the ground floor of Basecamp.

You: an adult with an identity card. Persons aged 13 and over may stay at the Event only under the constant care of a parent or legal guardian.

2. Orga team

The people responsible for the individual parts of the Event can be found on the website in the “About” section.

The Organizer makes every effort to ensure that the planned events start on time. The Event schedule can be found on the website in the “Timetable” section. The schedule may change.

The Organizer is not responsible for your belongings left on the Grounds or for minors under your care. Seriously, we don’t have time to “keep an eye” vigilantly enough. Children who are left to their own may be treated to a triple espresso in your absence.

3. Participation in the event

By taking part in the Event, you agree to the provisions of these Party Rules and undertake to:

  • obey the law – for various reasons, and also because if you break the law, the Organizer is obliged to notify the appropriate authorities and secure and provide evidence,
  • respect the property of the Organizer, the owner of the Area and other people participating in the Event – i.e. do not steal, do not take without asking, do not demolish, do not destroy,
  • in the event of causing damage to property, cover the costs of repairing the damage and/or restoring the property to its previous condition,
  • do not expose yourself and other people at the Event to danger – i.e. behave responsibly and consciously, and in particular do not add anything to anyone’s drinks (it’s embarrassing that we have to write this out loud),
  • do not bring dangerous objects to the Event Area – i.e. no weapons, pyrotechnics, etc.,
  • do not violate the bodily integrity of other people at the Event – i.e. do not touch without asking, stop touching when asked to, no fights, no brawls,
  • take proper care of the psychological comfort and sense of security of people at the Event – that is: do not insult, do not harass, do not provoke, do not overdo, cool down any potential conflicts, do not be a dick,
  • represent in thought, speech and deed that the demoscene is friendship,
  • report problems to Mirek and inquiries to the Infodesk, but do not bother them excessively,
  • comply with the decisions of the Organizer, in particular Mirek, and with the recommendations of the Infodesk.

In the interest of this and future editions of the Event, we all care about good relations with Basecamp, so at the facility outside the Event Area, also comply with the above provisions.

4. Safety

Help Mirek with his work – do not be part of the problem, be part of the solution. Everyone wants to have fun at the Event.

Mirek may refuse entry to the Event Area or further participation in the Event to any person at any time. He will not do so without a reason, which may in particular be: behavior posing a threat; being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs; possession of dangerous tools; behavior contrary to the law, behavior contrary to the provisions of the Regulations.

Action against the life, health and property of the Event participants, as well as against the property of Basecamp, may result not only in a warning or removal from the Area during the Event, but also in a citizen’s arrest and calling the police.

5. Recording

The course of the Event is broadcast live by the Organizer.

The Event is also recorded on audio and video media for later publication. Therefore, by participating in the Event, you consent to the recording and distribution of your image, including your voice.

The facility where the Event takes place has professional monitoring. Be aware that both the Organizer and the owner of the Event Area are obliged to forward video/audio recorded cases of breaking the law and violating safety rules to the appropriate authorities, and these records may be used for evidentiary purposes.

6. Final word

The content of the regulations is available on the website in the “Participate” section and near the Infodesk at the party.

Any ambiguities in the interpretation of the Regulations will be decided by the Organizer, and in particular Mirek. These decisions are binding and final during the Event and on its Grounds.

3rd of August 2024