Allowed formats: MOD (Sound/Noise/Fast/ProTracker), XM (Fasttracker II), S3M (ScreamTracker 3), IT (ImpulseTracker), DIGI (DigiBooster), AON (Art Of Noise), MED (OctaMED), FC (Future Composer), AHX/THX (AHX), HVL (HivelyTracker), DMF (DefleMask), FTM (FamiTracker)….
The list of allowed formats is open. If you want to exhibit a track in a format other than those listed, please contact us in advance.
The maximum file size is 2 MB (2097152 bytes).
Modules must not be packed with any packer (such as MO3).
We do not allow formats that use advanced built-in effects (RNS, XRNS, DBM, SKM, MT2, KT).
They also cannot use external plug-ins and plug-ins (the module must play on a clean installation of the given tracker).
For the avoidance of doubt, please provide the exact name and version of the tracker in which your module is to be played. In the absence of such information, we will try to use a tracker native to the format (MOD – ProTracker, XM – Fast Tracker II, etc.).
Please also provide an MP3 version of the song (for the lazy 🙂 ).
Song playing time – 3 minutes (songs can be longer, but only their first three minutes will be presented at the party).