___________. _\\ | | ° | | | | : _ __ _____ ________________________ :__ _____________________ ____ __ _ ___ / / __/_ _ _\_/ ___ __ / _ _ / / |/ // _____/ |/ / / | / // |/ |/ // \ / \| / | / |/ / / | \ _ __ / | /\ ._____/.___|___\__ \_______/\ .__/\___|\ \__ _ \\\ .____| \ \| \| \| \| \_____///sK! \| \__ ______________ _ XENIUM 2024 _ _____________ \_\__\_________________________________/__/_/ . . : pARTY : |_ rESULTS! | //____________| PC Demo - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 486 STRANDED by madwizards 02 471 Legends Of The Past by Futuris 03 424 Threads by Suspend and Friends 04 397 I wanna be by Norferin 05 396 Damage by Damage 06 365 Mitosis by Floppy 06 365 FIFTH by OFTENHIDE 08 250 Cepeliada by Szudi / Amnesty & Damage & Norferin & Mystic and NQ 09 160 Cheesburger with fries by Grumpy GODs 10 156 untitled by Enkidu Amiga Demo - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 526 Cockbusters by Ghostown 02 402 Naomi by Satellite 03 373 The Lost Pixellers Vol. 3 by Ghostown 04 284 Diversity by Nah-Kolor 05 283 BOOM!PARTY 2025 Invitation by BOOM! 06 251 P-Six-4-Too preview version(55% complete) by uN aMOr C64 Demo - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 542 Cepelia by Elysium 02 541 3sira by Arise 03 329 Don't be square by Gordian and Shogoon Wild - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 214 gosia by SIMurai 02 190 The Revenge by Spejs Sqrwols 03 183 Unflavoured Stock Cube by Otomata Labs [REMOTE] 04 139 Star Galaxy Tea by zOoTiMe^dESiRE Fantasy Console - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 267 Demonique by Oftenhide + IvoryLabs 02 207 4 Pory Roku by YamiFive / Aberration Creations 03 191 Insomnia Riders by Otomata Labs 04 177 GRUZ MEGADEMO DCLXVI by Amnesty 05 122 xanthium by catnip Fast A.I. GFX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 163 Cybekura by Szudi/Amnesty/Norferin/Damage/Mystic 02 161 Katana Rooster by Margo 03 160 Mad Amiga Cock by Shexbeer/Addict Lamers 04 158 The Cluck Supper: Xenium Feast of Nerds and Nuggets by Mysza 05 146 Cock Hell Lord by NQ 05 146 Just big cock by maq/floppy 07 144 Fractal Rooster by Janek 08 141 Boot Brothers by Patu/Aberration Creations 08 141 Big Metal Cock by gorzyga/ex.decree 10 138 Abstract Rooster by Janek 11 135 Cyber Cock on the Moon by kris3d/N.G. 12 134 Rooster and computer by Jaro 13 133 Black cock above sea of fog by glamhoth 14 132 Cock and balls by Oni/Poo-brain 15 126 Ugandan Big Cock on a Moon with the Moon in background by blame 16 123 a pink rooster with mental deficit and pain in the a** by Pator & e!ghtbm 17 113 Captain Cock by Reg/Altair 18 108 There is only one by CockGoblin 19 107 Darth Rooster by Phibrizzo/Nah-Kolor 20 96 Megaman Rooster by Janek 20 96 Golden Rooster Beer by Janek 22 84 Smacznego! by Argasek/Aberration Creations Streaming MSX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 362 Pixel Prism by Dan/Damage^Sundial Aeon 02 322 Neon Time Traveller by Jazzcat/Ghostown 03 318 The Galaxy of Silesia Suns by Tomarkus & E!ghtbm ft. Alia Fay 04 317 Serene Sleep of the Final Android by rtS ^ AdDicT 04 317 Echoes of a Faded Era by Szudi / Amnesty & Damage & Norferin & Mystic & Implexy 06 314 Reconstruction by Traymuss 06 314 Rainkissed Memory by AceMan / Resistance^Agenda^Dreamweb 08 305 Echoes in the Grid by Teo 09 293 pecrom / live version (excerpts) by lesnik/altair 10 286 Los Amigos by Chaser and El Mariachi 11 285 Electromanation by Filippp / Golden Trancers 12 280 MONOTIDES '92 by Arcadnis 13 271 zdejm barchany by rysiek spod piątkowiska [REMOTE] 14 263 8-bit sex on the beach by emsi / addict ^ aion 15 262 Sunscreen by pROPER dISCO [REMOTE] 16 261 Parę słów by Corny & Jakim [REMOTE] 17 239 Huaorani Dub by Rolpho / D6Team 18 233 CS1xParty by essent / Nah Kolor ^ d6team 19 228 JAGA by Revisq & Zenial / Oftenhide feat. Widymo 20 212 Gitar Heaven by rimmla/TSA [REMOTE] 21 209 I love you baaaad by n4cer / TSA^TotalKaos [REMOTE] 22 206 Take a break by trOLEK - ind PC 4k Intro - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 437 Wiatr4k by Altair 02 192 Sound of Chaos by Flopi Oldschool Intro - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 277 Uno by Agenda 02 266 BinCone by speccy.pl 03 219 Inspection by sheriff 04 205 Noise In Lines by RCL / Virtual Vision Group 05 202 I spy with my little eye by Lamers 06 178 Beertro by MKM/Lamers Animation - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 345 Rooster Eye by PIXEL NATION 02 308 assembly line by lamers 03 268 Satori Sun by Tomarkus & E!ghtbm ft. Alia Fay 04 244 Still Power of inspiration (alfa 0.1 k0mp0t verszyn) by DokThor & Arcadnis 05 242 Kapitan Taca 2 - Seven Deadly Sins of Captain Alms by Odbyt Design 06 188 LAMIA RENO Ojciec Chrzestny by Ojciec Chrzestny 07 184 Genetic Dreamers by maq/flopi 08 133 Ludobóstwo by Plexa / Flying Cows Inc. Executable GFX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 373 Dont Worry About the Spheres by Aberration Creations 02 272 touch grass by wrighter / Moonbase [REMOTE] 03 238 HEL by juvi / Moonbase & epoqe 03 238 Folk by Maq / Floppy Chip MSX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 348 200% by Otomata Labs 02 322 OPM - We come in peace by Malfunction/Altair 03 305 UZURPATOR by AceMan / Resistance^Agenda^Dreamweb 04 278 Remiza Dance Meeting by Hairdog/BooM!^Dream 05 265 Pee Bottle by MCH/MultiStyle Labs 06 250 interstellar abduction by e!ghtbm (futuris^joker) & tomarkus 07 231 xen tunes by Alex Winston [REMOTE] 08 223 Splashes by Xiny6581 [REMOTE] 09 204 Highlander Janosik plays the Trombita - 8bit vinyl DJ shoot by Foster/Zelax 10 191 substate by w4rp8 / atlantis [REMOTE] Tracked MSX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 345 H A R U K A by AceMan / Resistance^Agenda^Dreamweb 02 339 Little J in Japan by Jazzcat/Ghostown 03 301 Amorphic by Corny & Jakim 04 296 verne's disturbia by e!ghtbm (futuris^joker) & tomarkus 05 281 huascaran 2024 by kalosz/joker,suspect 06 260 Stamps Back, Norby! by Bartesek/Casyopea 07 246 JazzoHippoPoLLo by DokThor [REMOTE] 08 223 Break the beat by Filippp 09 214 AntiqueDream by essent / Nah Kolor ^ d6team 09 214 Core Tech by Teo [REMOTE] 11 213 Fat Nuggets by XCOPY 12 205 hardcoded by emsi / addict ^ aion 13 200 Just Nothing Like That by SuN/NewGeneration Synth MSX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 288 Clucking Hearts~ by AceMan / Resistance^Agenda^Dreamweb 02 231 Long Way 2 Go by ZoltarX/NG 03 220 Sinusoidal feelings by TZX / Roughness 04 126 202122 by maq/flopi Oldschool GFX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 488 Green Man by Facet / Lemon. ^ G*P ^ Bonzai 02 460 Endboss - Son of Poseidon by Critikill / S16 ^REBELS ^HAUJOBB [REMOTE] 03 458 Run Away from the Sun by Hermes/ex-Scoopex 04 453 Mind your drink by Vasyl/Joker^SWEET16 05 444 Return to Gaza by Slayer/Ghostown 06 379 Winky by Epyx of TSA [REMOTE] 07 363 Thisbe & the Lion by Bizdrygon 08 339 Sly as an Einsteinium by Clownboss / Atlantis ^ Aberration Creations 09 324 Poor Lonesome Cowgirl by Hairdog/BooM!^Dream 10 310 Spectroid Prime 4 by Vectrex28/Resistance [REMOTE] 11 231 loneliness by Edi / Casyopea ASCII / ANSI / PETSCII - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 344 Basilisk by Luisa Poo-Brain^Rabenauge 02 342 "Fantastic 4 Cracking Group" logo by Sim / Wanted Team, Scoopex, Lamers 03 283 RastaRoo by thung of k0re 04 239 Orła Cień na wzorze klasycznym by stanslv 05 230 XENIUM FOLK ANSI by sIMONkING/thelo0p^LAZARUS 06 218 Twilight by The Green Herring [REMOTE] 07 196 Buzzkill by Skleptoid [REMOTE] Freestyle GFX - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 392 The Immortal Shepard by Oni ^ Poo-Brain 02 346 Still life with apple pie by YamiFive 03 341 Another Train to Nowhere by Slayer/Ghostown 04 313 Shit & Robots by Szudi / Amnesty & Damage & Norferin & Mystic & ... Implexy 05 286 Alternation IV by Pazur / OftenHide 06 212 End of Summer by Zenial / Oftenhide 07 208 Tits and Balls by kya/lamers^crapteam [REMOTE] 08 197 Going South by Umbrella 09 183 Pen de Guino by wrighter / Moonbase [REMOTE] 10 132 Marlboro by SiR [REMOTE] 11 100 roszpunka by makosh - ------------------------------------------------------ logo: sK! ----------- results: partymeister
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